Spring Fever
Spring Fever is a quantum romantic techno-thriller with a literary sensibility. Set in London and Nottingham, it involves a young woman working for a digital media company, an ice hockey player who talks like a Continental philosopher, and a global virus affecting computers and humans in disturbing ways.
In the UK - available from Valley Press, Bookshop.org, and other booksellers, or buy the Kindle/ebook version here
In the US - available from Bookshop.org and other booksellers, or buy the Kindle/ebook version here
Watch a Fiction Flick (1-2 minute video) from Spring Fever
Amanda's IS, or Intelligence System
A bizarre interview with Craig Merleau, an ice hockey player for the Nottingham Panthers
Spring Fever, a subatomic virus
Interview and readings from Spring Fever on Alternative Stories and Fake Realities podcast
Interview on Beyond the Zero podcast
Blog post about the world of Spring Fever, along with a video of dramatized readings